

Who Are We?

The Parent–Teacher Connection creates a community at our school with events like Bloomin’ Bash, book fairs, ice cream socials, potluck dinners, and pizza days. The PTC enriches our students’ school experience by funding special art & science projects and improvements to our facilities.

Special donations from PTC members also fund scholarships to Freedom Park Preschool for families who might not otherwise be able to attend the school.  Join the PTC here.  You can also help support the PTC’s fundraising efforts and show your school spirit with Freedom Park Preschool gear from our School Store

We are the Parent–Teacher Connection (PTC). We are the parents, teachers, grandparents, and caregivers who make Freedom Park Preschool a special place for our children and our families.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ~ Dr Seuss